The Monument Design Process


Deciding on a memorial gravestone is the first step and we can help you by finding out the cemetery rules and regulations regarding size and type of monument that can be placed.  It is then easier to choose the type of material and preferred shape that appeals to you. We will give you many options with competitive pricing and excellent quality to choose from.  At every step in the process you can take as much time as you need to be confident in your choice.


When it comes to designing your monument, our graphic designer will work with you to bring your vision to life.  You can choose a design from our art portfolio, or one that is custom made just for you.  We help you decide on the best design, lettering, photo’s and accessories.    Any changes can be made along the way, and we provide you with multiple design choices and layout options so you can easily visualize the final design.  Once the design is perfect  to your standards and ours, you will sign off with approval and our work of transforming your memorial begins.


Upon completion, with careful and meticulous precision throughout the process, we then install your monument doing all the work ourselves as we want to make sure it done right the first time.  We are dedicated to accommodate personal, religious and cultural needs.